At Ka Hana Pono Daycare the keiki are practicing healthy habits every day – one important habit we’d like them to pick up is frequent and proper handwashing. The children know to wash their hands before & after any snacks or lunch, after using the bathroom, when coming in from the playground, after touching something that could be contaminated (such as a trash can), & after coughing, sneezing, or any contact with saliva or mucus.
You may hear your child singing a handwashing song that we use at school. The melody is for the childrens song “Row Row Row Your Boat” but the handwashing lyrics are:
Wash, wash, wash, your hands play our handy game,
Rub and scrub, scrub and rub germs go down the drain Yay!
Wash, Wash, Wash your hands play our handy game,
Rub and scrub, scrub and rub dirt goes down the drain Yay!
If children wash their hands with soap and water during the time it takes to sing this song then they will have effectively cleaned them well!