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Our Goals For All Children’s Education

Positive Socialization and Social Responsibility

 Care for others and take responsibility for their welfare; is friendly and kind; has good manners contributes to the goals of groups to which they belongs; is fair and honest in their dealings with others; care for plants and animals and helps preserve the environment; and contributes to making this a better world, especially by engaging in volunteer work without expectation of personal gain.

Intellectual Development

Maintains their natural curiosity, concentration and love of learning; has a love of books and a wide vocabulary; understands the purpose of reading, writing and talking is communication; has math ability commensurate with their need; is extroverted and confident in their ability to find the world at large and of the various laws that govern its functions, political and physical.

Values and Character Development

Has a high level of integrity; is cooperative yet stands up for their own beliefs; knows they are a loved member of a fully functional family; learns important lessons, such as that strength does not need to mean aggression, that bad actions do not necessarily mean bad people, and that peace begins with each of us; learns positive lessons from his parents and other parents about what is it to be a mother or a father; understands the inter-relatedness of life; is free of prejudice and has the courage to stand up to peer pressure; and learns our religious / philosophical beliefs and is respectful of the beliefs of others.

Physical Development

Is physically fit; knows and applies rules of good health, such as proper nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, and fresh air; cares for his body without catering to it unnecessarily; is aware of and can avoid dangers such as drugs and alcohol; and enjoys participating in a variety of sports for fun and exercise, and not just because of competition.


Understands the various machines and appliances in his environment and achieves competence in their use; contributes to the family by doing chores commensurate with their ability; takes care of their own needs, such as making their own snacks and cleaning up after themselves; using their homemade phone books (with pictures of each person beside the names and numbers) to call up friends or entertains themselves without adults, TV or video games; understands from first hand experience the relationship of work to the accomplishment of ones goals; and observes a wide variety of occupations and possible careers.

Emotional Development

Is playful, has a good sense of humor, and knows how to have fun without harm to themselves or others; has observed and participated in disputes and learned how to negotiate to resolve them to a win-win end; is loved and loving; learns how to deal with emotions such as anger and grief; and has their self-trust intact, is aware of the strength of the force for good in the world, and energetically engages in “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”

Aesthetic Sense

Enjoys numerous types of art, music, and dancing, both as a spectator and as a participant; enjoys the theater (as in plays not just movies); care for their possessions and their appearance, appreciates the peace and beauty of nature and is creative.

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Ka Hana Pono Daycare & Preschool

a licensed childcare center on Oahu's north shore, in Hale'iwa, Hawai'i
at the Waialua Community Association.
We believe teaching and living with ALOHA and in PONO encourages the best

from teachers, children, parents and all caregivers.

Children ages 2 to 5 are eligible to enroll ~ We currently have openings for August 2024.


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