Fun Carrot Facts • We were one of the earliest vegetables grown by man • We’re related to parsley. Don’t you think that our feathery green tops look somewhat like parsley? • In the past our leaves were used to decorate the hats of royalty • Doctors say that we improve vision, especially at night because of our very high level of vitamin A (carotene). • With many vegetables cooking destroys some of their vitamins, but you can absorb more beta carotene from cooked carrots than from raw ones. If you prefer to eat us raw, that’s fine because even one of us has two day’s supply of beta carotene. Baby carrots have even higher levels. • We’re sweetly delicious whether we’re old or young because we have some natural sugars, but younger carrots have more folate, one of the B vitamins which may help prevent birth defects in babies. • We’re a really good source of dietary fiber
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Ka Hana Pono Daycare & Preschool
a licensed childcare center on Oahu's north shore, in Hale'iwa, Hawai'i
at the Waialua Community Association.
We believe teaching and living with ALOHA and in PONO encourages the best
from teachers, children, parents and all caregivers.
Children ages 2 to 5 are eligible to enroll ~ We currently have openings for August 2024.
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